Family health is about how a family/home can stay healthy. Your home is your closest environment and should therefore be kept clean in order not to contract diseases. Dirt can pollute the environment and endanger your life and that of other people. This is because most germs that cause infectious diseases live in dirty or polluted environment. These germs, such as fungi, bacteria and viruses are transmitted to people by small animals or insects called vectors. Among these vectors are mosquitoes, cockroaches and houseflies.
Everything around you and your family must be kept clean. Your family can have good health when they live in clean environment and take good food and fruits that are properly washed before they are eaten. Different kinds of food that will make you healthy should be eaten with plenty of clean water.
Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene deals with the continued cleanliness of one’s body, clothing, and overall being in order to preserve and maintain your health. It is the
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