Summary and Evaluation of Crude Oil and Petrochemicals

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: kingsleyComplexity: Easy

<p class="sensei-content-description"><mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-vivid-red-color">SUMMARY</mark></p> Crude oil is a raw natural resource that is extracted from the earth and used to propel vehicles, heat buildings, produce electricity, and make everyday products. Petroleum is a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons which is present in suitable rock strata and can be extracted and refined to produce fuels including petrol, paraffin and diesel oil. Petrochemicals are the chemical products obtained from petroleum by refining. The process of separating the various constituents/fractions of petroleum is known as refining. It is carried out in a petroleum refinery. In this chapter, we also considered oil refining and fractional distillation as well as the products of crude oil in the order of how they are produced. The next thing considered in this chapter is the Refining process, under which we considered four basic steps, which are: Separation, Conversion, Treatment and Storage. Crude oil is fractionated in a refinery to produce a number of different petroleum products like Natural gas, Petrol (Gasoline), Kerosene, Gas oil and diesel oil, Lubricating oils and grease and Bitumen and other residues. We have learned the uses of crude oil and its fractions in this chapter. This chapter also treated the uses of petrochemical and ended with importance of crude oil and petrochemicals. <p><mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-vivid-cyan-blue-color">EVALUATION</mark></p> Define crude oil Explain the term ‘Petrochemicals’. What is petroleum? Describe the process of refining crude oil. Briefly describe any four (4) crude oil is fractionates State any three (3) uses of crude oil State three (3) uses of petrochemicals List five (5) importance of crude oil and petrochemicals.

Meaning of Crude Oil

Length: 10 minutesAuthor: kingsleyComplexity: Easy

<p class="sensei-content-description"><mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-vivid-red-color">Meaning of Crude Oil</mark></p> Crude oil is a naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum product composed of hydrocarbon deposits and other organic materials. It is a thick, sticky, viscous and dark liquid found underneath the earth’s surface or below sea beds, trapped between impervious rock layers. That is why it is called petroleum which in Latin means rock oil. Crude oil is a raw... <div class="sign-up-notice-after-excerpt-two" style="background-color:powderblue;"> You are viewing an excerpt of this lesson. Subscribing to the subject will give you access to the following: <ul> <li>The complete lesson note and evaluation questions for this topic</li> <li>The complete lessons for the subject and class (First Term, Second Term & Third Term)</li> <li>Media-rich, interactive and gamified content</li> <li>End-of-lesson objective questions with detailed explanations to force mastery of content</li> <li>Simulated termly preparatory exams</li> <li>Discussion boards on all lessons and subjects</li> <li>Guaranteed learning</li> <li>Win great prizes for topping the <a href="">Primacy Ebooks</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="sensei-message info"></div>

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