Chapter 1 – Meaning and Importance of Agriculture
Agricultural science is a subject that deals with the planting of crops, rearing of animals as well as the provision of raw materials for industries.Agriculture is derived from two Latin words ‘ager’ (field) and ‘cultūra’ (cultivation or growing). Literally it means field cultivation. Agriculture is as old as the existence of man. It is regarded as the mother of all other occupations. It is the live-blood of the nation’s economy.
Meaning and Importance of Agriculture Importance of Agriculture to the Individual, Society and Nation Examples of Agro-allied Industries and Their Materials UsedChapter 2 – Types of Agriculture Based on the Levels of Production
CONTENT1. Meaning and Characteristics of Subsistence Agriculture 2. Meaning and Characteristics of Commercial Agriculture
Meaning and Characteristics of Subsistence Agriculture Meaning and Characteristics of Commercial AgricultureChapter 3 – Types of Agricultural Practices
CONTENT 1. Pastoral Farming 2. Arable Farming 3. Mixed Farming 4. Taungya Farming 5. Fish Farming 6. Livestock Farming 7. Shifting Cultivation 8. Land Rotation/Bush Fallowing 9. Crop Rotation
Pastoral farming Arable Farming Mixed Farming Taungya Farming Fish Farming Livestock Farming Shifting Cultivation Land Rotation/Bush Fallowing Crop RotationChapter 4 – Forms of Agriculture
Agricultural activity is any activity directly related to the production or processing of crops or livestock.
Forms of Agricultural Activities in the CommunitiesChapter 5 – Flowering Plants
CONTENT 1. Parts of Flowering Plant and their Functions 2. Important Terms Related to Flowering Plants
Parts of Flowering Plant and their Functions Important Terms Related to Flowering PlantsChapter 6 – Monocotyledonous and Dicotyledonous Plants
CONTENT 1. Classification of Crops based on Crop Plant Forms 2. Monocotyledonous Plants e.g. maize, guinea corn 3. Dicotyledonous Plants e.g. beans, melon 4. Differences between Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons
Classification of Crops based on Crop Plant Forms Monocotyledonous Plants Dicotyledonous Plants Differences Between Monocotyledons and DicotyledonsChapter 7 – Classification of Crops
Crops complete their processes of growth at different lengths of time. Hence, crops can be classified as follows – annual, biennial and perennial.
Classification of Crops Based on Life Span Classification of Crops Based on Uses Classification of Crops Based on Source of Food NutrientsChapter 8 – Distribution of Crops in Nigeria
Distribution of different field crops all over the world depends upon several factors such as: climate, growing season, altitude, rainfall, wind, soil, slope, and other factors.
Distribution of Crops Factors Affecting the Distribution of Crops Uses of Crops Uses of Crop By-productsChapter 9 – Farm Animals
Farm animals are animals that are reared by man for different purposes such as food supply, income generation, clothing materials, etc. Examples include goats, sheep, rabbits, poultry, cattle, pigs, fish, snails, etc.
Meaning, Types and Characteristics of Farm Animals Basic Characteristic Features of Farm AnimalsChapter 10 – Classification of Farm Animals
Farm animals are classified based on the following criteria: 1. The size of the animal 2. The habitat 3. The stomach types/digestion 4. The modes of reproduction 5. The feeding patterns.
Classification of Farm Animals Based on Size Classification of Farm Animals Based on Habitat Classification of Farm Animals Based on Mode of Reproduction Classifications of Farm Animals Based on Type of Stomach Classification of Farm Animals Based on Feeding Pattern / Mode of FeedingChapter 11 – Uses of Farm Animals
Farm animals are reared for the following purposes. They are reared for food, work, clothing, security/protection, sport and recreation, fertilizer, medicine, raw materials and livestock feeds.
Uses of Farm Animals Products and By-products of Farm AnimalsChapter 12 – Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria
The population of certain kinds of farm animal is more in certain areas than in others. Up to 80% of grazing livestock is to be found in the savanna zone of northern Nigeria.
Factors Affecting the Distribution of Livestock in Nigeria Table Showing Terms Associated with some Farm AnimalsChapter 13 – Simple Farm Tools
Since man learnt to cultivate the soil, different forms of hand tools have been used. There are wide variety of farm tools for breaking and turning the soil, for weeding, and for burying the vegetation and other materials in the soil. The main purpose of tilling the soil is to assist the natural processes which bring about the most favourable soil condition for seeds to germinate and plants to grow.
Simple Garden Tools Maintenance of Simple Garden Tools Fishing ToolsChapter 14 – Weeds
Weeds are plants growing where they are not wanted or cultivated. A plant may be weed in one farm but crop in another farm. For instance, a cowpea plant growing in a cassava plot is a weed.
Definition of Weeds Some Common Weeds and their Characteristics Classification of Weeds Uses of Weeds Methods of Weeds Control Effects of Weed Control Adverse Effects of Weeds Meaning and Agents of Weed DispersalChapter 15 – Pests
Pest can be defined simply as any living organism, plant or animal, which can cause damage to cultivated crops, animals and human beings. Human beings can also be called pests if they cause damage to crops or livestock.Pests can carry organisms that cause diseases and constitute nuisance to agricultural products. Majority of crop pests are invertebrates e.g. insects and eel-worms.
Meaning and Type of Agricultural Pests Classification of Pests Description of the Damage Done by Pests Effects of Crop Pests on YieldChapter 16 – Factors of Agricultural Production
Production is the process of manufacturing goods and providing services. It also refers to all economic activities which result in the creation of goods and services.