Chapter 1 – Historical Development of Computer
Since history, solving man’s problem has led to the manufacture of various devices and machines useful to humans. These devices that assist man in different forms including computation have their roots in the ancient time and have continued to evolve throughout the ages. The most important of these devices is the computer.Computer helps in doing many tasks, as well as calculations. You can also perform many other activities with the computer. But have you ever imagined how computers were developed and evolved over the years to what you presently know as computer? The development of computer spans through various ages of technology.
Definition and Examples of Early Counting Devices Limitations to the Early Counting Devices Mechanical Counting and Calculating Devices Electro-Mechanical Devices Electronic Counting Devices and Modern Computer Generations of Computers Summary and EvaluationChapter 2 – Data Processing
Data processing can be considered as a branch of information processing. This term is often used more specifically in the context of a business or organization to the class of commercial data processing applications.
Definition of Data Processing Data Processing Cycle Importance of the Computer as a Tool for Data Processing Process of Converting Data into Information Methods of Processing Data Difference Between Data Collection and Data Capture Summary and EvaluationChapter 3 – Computer Ethics
Computer ethics enables computer users to handle computer resources in an orderly manner. This entails following methods and guidelines to avoid illegal use or abuse of computers and information. It also involves the conduct and behaviour of the computer operators while operating the computer. Major issues surrounding computer ethics are based on problems arising from the use the internet such as piracy, cyber-crimes etc.
Meaning of Computer Ethics Computer Room Responsible Ways of Using the Computer and the Internet Abuse / Misuse of The Computer and The Internet Summary and EvaluationChapter 4 – Classifications of Computer
Computer is an electronic device that generates output in the form of useful information when the input is given to it by the user. There are different types of computers available these days. The function of each type of computer is to process data and provide some output to the users. However, the methods or techniques used by these computers to process and handle data may be different.
Classification of Computers Based on Size Classification of Computers on The Basis of Data Handling Classification of Computer Based on Purpose Summary and EvaluationChapter 5 – Basic Computer Concept
The computer is a very important tool or device which is gradually becoming an indispensable part of life. A computer has input devices, output devices, processing unit and memory devices which enables it to accept, store and process data based on the instructions given by the computer user to produce useful output called information either as softcopy or hardcopy.
Definition and Characteristics of Computer Booting and Shutting down the Computer Summary and EvaluationChapter 6 – Application of ICT in Everyday Life
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a broad field encompassing computers and their networks, phones, satellite communication, broadcasting media and other means of communication. These technologies are used by individuals and organisations daily because they provide a lot of useful information both quickly and efficiently.ICT can be described as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate, store and manage information. The application of ICT is very pervasive. It is found in every industry. ICT is about processing and communicating information, and this is associated with all activities.
ICT Application in Everyday Life Uses of ICT Advantages and Disadvantages of ICT Summary and EvaluationChapter 7 – Technology of Different Information Ages
The world has made use of different technological machines that span different information ages. Some of these equipment have gradually given way to more efficient ones, leading to more easily accessible information. As a result of this, the procedure for making decision for transactions has also been simplified, thereby lowering the cost for both producers and buyers.However, the current information age, with a change from the discovery of personal computers in the late 1970s to internet connectivity in the early 1990s, brought an evolution of modern technology in daily life. There is a rapid growth in worldwide communication and networking to shape the modern society.
Meaning of Information Age Technology of Different Information Ages Summary and EvaluationChapter 8 – Input and Output Devices
Input and output devices are both physical parts of the computer system that make up the hardware. They are used to put in data as well as display or bring out information from the computer system.
Meaning and Examples of Input Devices Output Devices and Their Functions Summary and EvaluationChapter 9 – Information Transmission
Information transmission is concerned with the dissemination of information represented on the basis of predetermined rules, in a formalized way by symbols or analog signals. The information is either intended for machine processing or has already been processed by machine.
Meaning of Information Transmission Ancient methods of information transmission Modern methods of Information Transmission Means of Transmitting Information Modes of Information Transmission Summary and EvaluationChapter 10 – Information Evolution
Information evolution are the changes and advances in the method of data and information processing. There are gradual changes over a long period of time in the information dissemination. Before its present stage, information and communication technology has passed through some changes.
Information Evolution Summary and EvaluationChapter 11 – Data and Information
Data and information are tied together, whether one is recognizing them as two separate words or using them interchangeably, depends on the usage of data – its context and grammar.Although the terms “data” and “information” are often used interchangeably, these terms have distinct meanings. In some popular publications, data are sometimes said to be transformed into information when they are viewed in context or in post-analysis. However, in academic treatments of the subject data are simply units of information.
Data Information Difference Between Data and Information Summary and EvaluationChapter 12 – Word Processing
Of all the computer applications, Word Processing is the most commonly used applications. To perform word processing, you need a computer and a program called a Word Processor. In most offices today, word processors have virtually replaced typewriters as a means of producing documents.