Chapter 1 – Meaning and Importance of Agriculture
Agricultural science is a subject that deals with the planting of crops, rearing of animals as well as the provision of raw materials for industries.Agriculture is derived from two Latin words ‘ager’ (field) and ‘cultūra’ (cultivation or growing). Literally it means field cultivation. Agriculture is as old as the existence of man. It is regarded as the mother of all other occupations. It is the live-blood of the nation’s economy.
Meaning and Branches of Agriculture Importance of AgricultureChapter 2 – Types of Agriculture
Basically, agriculture is of two types. All farmers are not the same. Some are rich while others are poor; some have large areas of land while others have very limited land space. The differences among all farmers help to categorize agriculture into two major types, namely subsistence and commercial agriculture.
Subsistence Agriculture (Farming) Commercial Agriculture (Farming) Differences between Subsistence and Commercial AgricultureChapter 3 – Problems of Agricultural Development and Possible Solution
Chapter 4 – Roles of Government in Agricultural Production
Chapter 5 – The Roles of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) in Agricultural Development
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are bodies set up by private agencies or corporate bodies to develop agriculture all over the globe. These are organizations formed by individuals or group of individuals who run the organization’s affairs without government intervention. They support government projects with their wealth and resources.
Meaning and Characteristics of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) The Roles/Importance of NGOs in Agricultural DevelopmentChapter 6 – Agricultural Laws and Reforms
Chapter 7 – Agricultural Ecology
Chapter 8 – Land and Its Uses
Chapter 9 – Agro-allied Industries
Chapter 10 – Environmental Factors Affecting Agricultural Production
Chapter 11 – Rock Formation
Chapter 12 – Soil Formation and Profile Development
The soil is a very important factor for agricultural activity and the survival of man. Soil is the loose weathered material covering the surface of the earth, which supports life. It can also be defined as the outermost part of the earth that is formed from the mixture of minerals and decaying organic matter which extends from the surface down to the limit of biological forces.
Factors of Soil Formation Processes of Soil Formation Soil Profile DevelopmentChapter 13 – Composition and Properties of Soil
Soil is the loose weathered material covering the earth surface which supports the growth of plants and sustains human and animal life.
Meaning and Types of Soil Soil Composition Soil Water Soil Living Organisms (Organic Matter) Soil Air Soil pH Physical Properties of SoilChapter 14 – Simple Farm Tools
Chapter 15 – Farm Machinery and Implements
Chapter 16 – Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization
Chapter 17 – Sources of Farm Power
Power is defined as the energy or force that can be used to do work. It is measured in watts (w) and kilowatts (kw). It is expressed as work done over time taken.
Meaning and Sources of Farm PowerChapter 18 – Classifications of Crop
Chapter 19 – Husbandry of Crops
Husbandry is the occupation of a husbandman or farmer. That means husbandry is the cultivation of crops and the rearing of livestock.